Plants grown in this unfortunate land of extreme acidic or infertile soil that does not have sufficient nutrients for growth. The solution? These plants have to kill and digest other unfortunate creatures.
Here some call “semar bag,” while other names can vary.
Monkey Cup (“Monkey Bowl”)
Most of these plants are insect prey, perhaps occasionally a tree frog. But later known species of giant, Nepenthe Attenboroughii, even rodents and birds devour the menu.
Hanging Pitcher Plmoants
The plant is using its visual appeal and sweet-smelling glands to trick insects to come closer. Smooth edges and steep so easy to fall into the victim trap and sink holes.
Sarracenia flower Leucophylla
“Swimming” in the plant is called phytotelmata. The plant has a special enzyme to dissolve the victim’s body. Many of these plants have a small ecosystem in the body bercairan which is also a tiny little insect life that also took the lives that have been submerged and crops will absorb the rest.
Purple Pitcher Plant
Sarraceniopus Gibsoni, a mite (mite) ditemukaan only in this plant.
Wyeomyia smithii, a mosquito life cycle is almost entirely spent in the plant.
Nepenthes beccariana of Sibolga, Sumatra
California Cobra Lily, below bergarpu has a tongue that help the ants and other crawling insects that are in it.
Coverings such as hats that rely on many types of plants make flying insects is hard to escape.